April 16, 2008

Day 70

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:50 pm

Yet another day when yoga was my constant!  Funny how I don’t rely on the flossing for the same kind of anchor!  I wonder why that is?  Maybe I need to give flossing more credit and it might get more attractive to do it!  That makes me laugh to think about it but why not?  Flossing definitely has value too!  It’s probably a good thing that this challenge is starting to come to an end…my thought processes are heading down slippery slope!  Have a good one!



April 15, 2008

Day 69

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 9:26 pm

Hi there! 
Okay – thank goodness for yoga and flossing!  Those are the only two things that went according to plan today!  Wow – what a day.  I am so grateful for this challenge – as I look back over the day today I can point to those two things and say “yes, at least that worked out!”  It’s nice to go to bed knowing that something wasn’t a struggle (yes, I get the irony – yoga everyday has been a struggle and today it turns out to be the easiest part of my day)!  I don’t know about anyone else but this challenge is getting more and more fascinating by the day.  I wonder what will happen tomorrow…



April 14, 2008

Day 68

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:55 pm

Hello again!
Yesterday I talked about resistance and now I want to throw in a comment about letting go.  Letting go of your resistance is not always easy.  It takes practice.  Like anything we are learning if we want to get better at it, we have to practice.  Maybe my yoga challenge wasn’t about getting better at yoga and being flexible – maybe it was about learning how to let go.  I did my yoga this morning and then went for a yoga class later and my teacher was talking about letting go.  The thing that really struck me was that we don’t let go just once but over and over and over again.  That is one of the keys to resistance, you have to let go more than once to be able to move through the resistance.  And this is why we need to practice.  The more I practice letting go, I suspect the more flexible I will become!  Hhmmm….have an awesome week!



Day 67

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:48 pm

I was talking with my yoga teacher last week and telling him that I wanted a yoga set that was a bit shorter.  I was having trouble making the time to do it every day and could I do something that was shorter.  We talked about some of my resistance to doing it everyday and what I might be needing to learn from all this.  Then he said the magic words – “sure, we can change what you’re doing – we can shorten it, or even give you a completely new set of exercises to do – just let me know what you want to do.”  Wow, some choice (I realize I have always had a choice, I was just trying to maintain the integrity of the yoga set by not varying it)!  Guess what happened next?  I decided to keep doing what I was doing!  Suddenly, it doesn’t seem to take so long and when I thought about not doing it, I felt like I would miss it!  It’s funny how when my teacher gave me permission to stop or change what I was doing, I chose to continue.  Interesting how we can put up our own resistance and get in our own way and someone simply has to say – you are welcome to change it – and everything flows again!  Eckhart Tolle says “all stress comes from resistance to the present moment” and I believe I have had a good experience of that with this yoga challenge.  How about you?  Any resistance to your challenge? 


April 12, 2008

Day 61 – 66!

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 9:14 am

This week has been a crazy week and I just haven’t been able to make time to blog.  Don’t worry – I have made time for yoga and flossing.  Actually, I think what happened this week is that both activities are starting to become so natural that I just do them and forget about it.  Hence not getting to the blog – I’m not needing to focus so much on doing the challenge so I’m not reminded to blog about it.  I will do better next week with the blogging!  Have a great weekend and enjoy the warmer weather!



April 6, 2008

Day 60

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 7:41 pm

I actually considered not doing yoga today.  I really didn’t feel like it (probably because I was up late last night and I’d had a few glasses of wine…) so instead of forcing it, I decided to give myself some time to do other things.  Eventually, later in the afternoon, I had the urge to do my set.  It went very smoothly and I felt great afterwards so I’m quite glad that I allowed myself the space to do it when I was ready.  It was nice to do it when it felt right instead of doing it to get it over with.  I’m going to try that approach more often!


April 5, 2008

Day 59

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 7:29 pm

My Mom recently told me that her Minister had set a goal to walk everyday for a year.  She is coming very near to completing her 365 day challenge and when I think of her walking every day for a year it makes 100 days seem much easier!  Funny how your situation can be hard or easy depending on how you look at it!  I am also wondering about doing yoga everyday after the 100 days are finished…it would be a nice habit to stay in.  I’m sure that my dentist would also like me to stay in the habit of flossing as well.  I’ll let you know if it happens!  Have a great day!


April 4, 2008

Day 58

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 7:26 pm

It gets hard to think of different ways to say “I did my yoga today!”  Writing blogs is a challenge in itself!  But, I’m commited so …yep – did my yoga and my flossing today!  “See” you tomorrow.


April 3, 2008

Day 57

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:22 pm

I have company again so I am doing my squishy yoga for a couple of days!  (squishy means I have to try and do it in a room that is a bit too small for me to stretch out in).  I also went to a movie and had to have popcorn.  It’s a good thing I have been in the practice of flossing because I still have a few kernals stuck in my teeth that will need some help.  I am off to floss them out.  Type to you tomorrow!


Day 56

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:19 pm

Yoga – check!  Flossing – check, check!  (Yep, flossed twice today – things are getting crazy with this 100 Day Challenge!)


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