August 8, 2008

Day 73

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 9:03 pm

Today was another great day for fun – lots of things going on today!  I started off with a meeting with my Mastermind Group.  Very creative and motivating session!  Then it was on to a brainstorming session with another colleague that resulted in some great ideas and some new collaborations too!  And to end this great, creative day – I had dinner with a friend at Earls and we were there for almost three hours!  Totally joyful day for me!


August 7, 2008

Day 72

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 7:50 pm

Today was Tropical Tranquility day!  A friend and colleague invited a few women over in the late afternoon for some tropical drinks on the deck and seven hours later I finally dragged myself away to go home!  It was a great afternoon of conversation and getting to know several amazing women.  I had actually considered not going at one point during the week because I was having such a hectic week but this fun challenge has really helped me to see the importance of making time for fun in my day.  Plus, the women I met were fascinating and I just couldn’t bring myself to go home because I didn’t want to miss anything!  What things are you missing out on because you don’t make time for fun in your day?


August 6, 2008

Day 71

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 6:54 pm

Today was another slow pitch day!  It was a beautiful night for ball and even though we lost (again) it was fun!


August 5, 2008

Day 70

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 5:50 am

Today I took the morning off to do a few little creative projects (other than my work which I consider to be creative most of the time).  It always feels good to do something completely different from my usual activities and I find that it revives me and energizes me for my work.  What about you, do you take creative breaks? What do you do on those breaks?  I’d love to hear from you…


August 4, 2008

Day 67 – 69

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 7:17 pm

I am combining these last three days because I was out camping for the weekend again!  I combined fun, joy and something new during the whole weekend.  We went to a campground that we had never been to before, we had great food, great weather, went for walks, spent time at the beach and playing in the water, went for bike rides and of course made a few trips for ice cream cones!  I just soaked up as much time outside as I could!  If you haven’t noticed, I really enjoy the great outdoors and any time I can spend outside reconnects me to joy.  What do you prefer?  Are you an indoor or outdoor kind of person?  Post your comments here…


August 1, 2008

Day 66

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 10:09 am

This morning I went for a roller blade in the park (fun & joy).  What a great morning to do it – sunny, warm, very light breeze…I loved it!  I was thinking that I really love rollerblading but actually, I think its being outside on summer mornings that I love.  There is something about a warm, sunny summer morning that makes me feel fully connected to all good things – they make me feel like I’m in love with life and like anything is possible.  What is your favorite time of the day?  Do you take time to enjoy it and acknowledge it?  I’d be interested to know…

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