September 4, 2008

Day 100!

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 1:57 pm

Whoo, hoo!
Well, we made it!  100 days once again.  How did you do?  How does it feel?  Do you think you will continue in this new activity that you have been doing for the last 100 days?  This is the day to celebrate.  Making a commitment to do something for 100 days is no small thing so I hope you are celebrating.  I have just booked a flight to Orlando, Florida for the Thanksgiving weekend!  The plan is to visit Disney World (“the happiest place on earth”) – how much fun will that be??!  I’m pretty excited.  This has come up as a bit of a surprise too which makes it even better!  A few things have aligned to make this possible and I did not expect this at all so I think the fun will continue a bit past the 100 days! 

So how will you celebrate?  You don’t have to go to Disney to celebrate (that’s a bit extreme I admit) there are lots of ways to acknowlege your participation in this event.  Make sure you do something though…it’s important to acknowlege your efforts whether you finished the challenge or not, always give yourself credit for what you have attempted.  I hope you have enjoyed going along on my journey of fun these past 100 days.  Thank you to all of the people who joined me and keep me accountable to my challenge.  I appreciate your support!  Until the next challenge….stay well and be joyful!



September 3, 2008

Day 99

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 1:43 pm

Second last day…today was spontaneous fun.  I had some extra time and was downtown so I picked up my sweetie from work and went to the Forks for lunch.  We had both brought our lunches from home so it ended up being a bit like a picnic.  The weather was beautiful so we were able to sit outside and enjoy the trees and the river and the lovely atmosphere of the Forks.  I love it when fun presents itself when you weren’t expecting it! 


September 2, 2008

Day 98

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 8:01 pm

Today my fun activity was creative brainstorming!  I love coming up with ideas and possiblities and then sorting through them to see what I can do next.  Even if none of the ideas pan out, it’s great to stretch your imagination for a while.  How often do you use your imagination?  Does it get regular stretching or does it have a few cob webs right now?!


September 1, 2008

Day 97

Filed under: 100 Days of Fun Challenge — Deb @ 3:35 pm

Well we are almost there!  Only three days left in this challenge!  I spent a couple of hours this morning just reading a book (and not a book for work).  It’s a rainy day and much cooler than the rest of the weekend so it was nice to just curl up on the couch for a few hours and read.  What do you like to do on a rainy day?
