November 30, 2009

Asking for Support

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 1:33 pm

This is another yoga story!  Again I was in yoga class and was trying to get my body into a particular pose. I was struggling and wavering all over the place and getting more and more frustrated.  The instructor mentioned to another student that they could use a prop to help them if they couldn’t fully get into the pose.  Well, the light finally went on for me on two levels…ask for help and use the resources available to you!  My yoga blocks where sitting on the floor right next to me, why not engage them in supporting my body so that I could more fully understand the pose and its benefits instead of being distracted by my frustration and erratically wavering body?! 

Now, with my body propped and supported the idea came to mind that this is what most of us do in our daily lives. We think that we have to do everything on our own without help. As a result, we end up tired, frustrated, scattered and unfocused.  Why not ask for support?  Engage and invite the people and resources around you to support you in your goals.  I know they will be happy to help and everyone will feel much more joyful in the end!




November 27, 2009

Supportive Environments

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 11:08 am

I was in a yoga class at my favorite yoga studio ( recently and as I was holding a pose, someone in the class let out this huge sigh.  When she did that, a few more of us did the same thing and then there was some laughter as well.  It felt good to know that others were being challenged by the pose and when we shared a laugh, there was a sense that we were all in it together.  It occurred to me that this was a very supportive environment and even though I don’t know many people in the class, for a time, we are a group of like minded people who are supporting each other with our presence and energy.  I think that’s why I prefer to go to a yoga class than do yoga by myself at home.  There just isn’t that same sense of support at home! 

This class is also a very safe place to try something new, to challenge you. No one cares if you can’t bend all the way or if you start waving around like a tree in a windstorm when you are trying to hold a pose.  It’s a place to try it out and discover how strong you really are.  Do you have places or situations like this in your life? Is there somewhere you can go to try new things and discover new things about yourself where you don’t feel vulnerable or inhibited trying?  Yoga happens to be one of the places that I go but you don’t have to take up yoga to create a supportive environment.  Join a club, pursue a hobby, volunteer for an event in your community…there are lots of ways that you can connect with supportive environments.  What are some of the things you do?  Post your ideas here – I’d love to read them! 




November 19, 2009

Self Help

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 4:15 pm

The self help industry is booming and has been useful in so many ways AND at the same time, it has also created a society where people believe they have to do everything themselves, by themselves. It has created the idea that you shouldn’t have to ask for help.  That notion seems pretty limiting to me.  What’s the purpose of creating a supportive relationship environment if you shouldn’t have to ask for help and support? 


I was just a meeting of coaches recently and even one of the coaches said, “I should know how to do this, I should be able to do this on my own.”  Yep, even those of us who are trained to help others have the idea imbedded in our psyche that we don’t need to ask for help or support.   

Well, guess what?  Asking for help is what makes life more joyful for you and for others!  Asking makes life easier and easier is okay – you are allowed to have help and ease and joy in your life.  Create your amazing relationship environment and let go of the idea that you should do everything yourself! 




November 14, 2009

Enhance Your Inner World

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 5:20 pm

Hi there!

Here are a few more thoughts about how you can improve your relationship with yourself. 

  1. Approve of yourself with open and positive words ie: “I am a confident woman,” or “I am a very capable man”
  2. Be kind gentle, loving and patient with yourself
  3. Read literature that is positive and upbeat
  4. Take great care of your body
  5. Develop a Joy Team – people who support you and will cheer you on every step of the way


Are there any other things that you do that have improved your relationship with yourself?  Share your comments here so everyone can benefit!





November 12, 2009

Starting with You!

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 5:15 pm

I am focused on the relationship environment this month and of all the environments I work with as a coach, this one can have the most emotional charge.  It can also have the most rewarding outcomes.  The first step to designing a supportive relationship environment is to start with you. You need to develop self appreciation and self respect in order to attract others who are appreciative and respectful. Do you regularly acknowledge all of your amazingness? Are you cringing because I just called you amazing or are you grinning a little secret grin because I have obviously noticed what you thought you had been hiding?!  If you’re not grinning, it’s time to start!  Take an inventory.  What are you good at?  What are you amazing at?  What makes you the only you on the planet?  Once you start finding things to love and appreciate about yourself review your list everyday and affirm yourself with “I am amazing and I always spend my time with amazing people!”  Practice this for 30 days and watch how your relationships will start to shift!  And, keep me posted on what happens for you!




November 6, 2009

Unsupportive Environment?

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 5:33 pm

There has been so much media and talk of the H1N1 pandemic these days.  Everywhere you go, everything you read and everything you listen to on television and radio is focused on the flu shot.  To me, it’s creating a very powerful environment of fear.  That fear has really had me thinking…is it the fear of getting the flu and the possible consequences that can come with the flu or is it the fear of not really living your life that has everyone so panicked? If we had our lives in order – lots of reserves, supportive environments, living authentically, etc. – would we need to be so fearful of this flu?  What do you think?

