February 25, 2010

Day 21 – Update

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 10:15 pm

So here is the count to date:

sit ups: 267
push ups: 168
nights in bed before 10:30: 14 (out of 21)
Actually, this count needs to be adjusted because I decided to give myself one night a week that I could stay up later than 10:30!  That would make this count 14 out of 17!




February 20, 2010

Day 16

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 6:44 pm

Okay, I have to say that the Olympics are ruining my 100 Day Challenge!  How was I supposed to go to bed before 10:30 last night when Jon Montgomery was headed for gold???  I must admit that breaking my challenge was worth it to see him give that gold medal performance.  It held even more significance because my husband is also from Russell, Manitoba, now the home of two Olympic gold medalists!  And I lived in residence with and worked with Jodi Montgomery (Jon’s sister) so I figure that makes me practically related to a gold medalist! Woo, hoo…the company I keep! 

What’s keeping you from your challenge?  Anything??




February 18, 2010

Day 14

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 1:40 pm

Just a little update on my challenge.  After 14 days (and nights) here’s where I’m at…

sit-ups: 177
push-ups: 88
nights in bed before 10:30:  11 (out of 14)

Just to be clear, the sit up and push up counts are the total done to date, not the number that I can do at one time!!




February 17, 2010

Day 13

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 2:54 pm

How is your challenge going?  Tomorrow will be two weeks into the challenge and have you noticed anything about yourself?  Has it been hard or easy to do your challenge everyday?  I have to say that for my challenge, the sit/push ups are easier than going to bed before 10:30.  I have to confess that there have been a few nights when I have literally been running down the hallway and diving into my bed just as the clock strikes 10:30!  I think I need to rethink my approach to this part! 

I am excited to say that I am able to do 12 push ups!  (The kind from the knees) This may not seem like very much to you but before this challenge started, I could do 2 or maybe 3 on a really good day.  So, I am celebrating that progress.  I also have been noticing that my sleep is getting better.  By going to bed earlier, I am actually sleeping more deeply and so I have started to notice that I am not as tired by the middle of the day. My overall goal of creating more energy in my life seems to be getting closer…that’s very cool for me.  Makes me want to dance more, which is very joyful for me!  How about you?  Has the challenge generated any joy for you?




February 13, 2010

Day 9

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 8:03 am

Well, as I suspected, I didn’t make it to bed before 10:30 last night!  But seriously, how is a girl supposed to do that when the opening ceremonies of the Olympics are on until after 11:00??  They didn’t light the flame until after 11:00 for heavens sake!  That’s my favorite part – I love the idea that this flame has been burning since the begining of the very first games – it makes me feel very connected to something bigger than me and longer lasting than me!  Anyway, it was a moving moment for me (even though they had a technical difficulty) and I wasn’t going to miss it, challenge or no challenge. 

Today I’m off to lead my playshop on Living Joyfully!  I am really excited and can’t wait to share the day with some wonderful women.   I hope you have a joyful day and don’t forget about your challenge activity.  Stay on track and let me know how you are doing!




February 11, 2010

Day 7

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 5:53 pm

It’s day 7 of the 100 Day Challenge!  How is your challenge going?  The first seven days often tells you if you have picked a challenge that is going to be too challenging for you or not challenging enough.  This also means that you can adjust your challenge – increase it a bit more or decrease it! 

My challenge is to do sit ups and push ups (alternating days) and going to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 every night.  So far, I am seven for seven on the sit/push ups but I missed one night.  I am thinking that I may have to adjust as there are some evenings when I am working or wanting to do something social that may end up going later than 10:30.  So I am thinking about how I can adjust my challenge so that I am successful on both counts.  I’ll keep you posted!  What about you – do you need to make any adjustments?


