August 27, 2010

The Joy of Following Your Heart

Filed under: Planting Joy Game — Deb @ 7:43 pm

Since I have gone into business for myself, I have been meeting the most JOYful, interesting and talented people!  As you know, I am on a mission to create a joyful world and I have to say that there is nothing more joyful to me than a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it with all of her heart.  I had the pleasure of having a breakfast meeting with two such women recently.  Kristen Goodman is the owner of Total She, a company that sells women’s jewelry, accessories and other delightful stuff!  Kristen focuses on supporting other women in business by featuring their work in her catalogues and at Total She home parties (my Reconnect to Yourself Cards are on page 22 of their Fall and Winter Catalogue).  Laura Barkman is Kristen’s right hand woman and together they are creating amazing success for themselves and for their consultants.  Kristen inspires me every time we get together and I am very grateful for our friendship and working relationship. 

Who inspires you?  Who makes you laugh, gives you a new perspective and brings joy into your life? I welcome you to share here or on the Planting Joy Game on FacebookIMG_2169.JPG



Joy can’t be stopped!

Filed under: Planting Joy Game — Deb @ 3:32 pm

So far, Flat Flora has been on a bike, on a horse, on an airplane, in a car, in a camper and in the mail.  She has traveled around Southern Manitoba, Montana, Toronto, Nunavut and there is more than one making its way around Calgary!  She has been held, stepped on, chewed on, rolled up, folded up and lost!  Still, she continues to plant joy where ever she goes.  As more and more people are joining the game, it seems like a shame to end it and so, by popular demand, I have decided to continue the Planting Joy Game well into the fall!  There has been some talk of taking Flora to international destinations so I say, the more joy we can plant the better! 

Keep playing everyone!  Keep sharing what is joyful for you, tell others what you are doing so that they can play too.  More people focusing on the positive definitely can’t hurt!  Play on…




August 25, 2010

Joy increases your creativity!

Filed under: Planting Joy Game — Deb @ 3:22 pm

One of the things I love about getting people to focus on something is how they take it and make it their own.  For instance, one of the Planting Joy “players” decided to take the Joy flower on holidays with their family.  As they thought of places where they could get their picture taken with the Joy flower they took the game a step further and actually gave the flower a name! 

So, I would like to joyfully introduce to you, Flat Flora – the official Joy Flower for the Planting Joy Game! 

It seems like another good example of the ripple effect.  I planted the idea of taking the flower, they started to focus on joy and fun, their creativity kicked in and they made the game even more fun by giving the flower a name and some personality!  It doesn’t take much to spread joy – just a little bit of effort and before you know it, it’s spreading.  I hope you’ll try it!




August 9, 2010

In Full Bloom

Filed under: Planting Joy Game — Deb @ 2:08 pm

It’s working, it’s working!!.  The Planting Joy Game is in full “bloom.”  One of my “plantings” happened at Tiber River Naturals.  I went in for a Joyful summer pedicure and of course, the fabulous staff didn’t disappoint.  Not only is the environment lovely and fun to be in, the service is friendly and professional at the same time.  The best part, though, was telling the staff about the Game.  Once I started to talk about it and showed them my flower, they wanted to be a part of it.  People around me started to smile and laugh and I could feel the mood getting even more joyful.  That, my friends, is the power of focus!  I am looking for places that I find joyful or can “plant” joy and by sharing what I am doing with others, it creates a ripple effect. The more that I focus on Joy, the more momentum it gains and the more people want to be a part of it. 

What are you focusing on in your life?  Are you sharing it with others?  Feel free to share it here – I’d love to hear about what you are creating in the world!

Joyfully,Joyful Pedicure



