August 30, 2011

Are You Trying Too Hard?

Filed under: Personal Development,Reconnection — Deb @ 9:02 am

The other day I discovered a snap dragon.  What was amazing and delightful about this flower discovery was that it appeared in my driveway amongst a sea of gravel and of it’s own volition.  My first reaction was actually annoyance which then dissolved into laughter as I realized the irony of this flower appearing here.  You see, I had been trying for years to get flowers to grow in my yard but with no luck and now, here was this little snap dragon in the middle of nowhere!

Do you ever notice that when you are trying too hard, everything ends up being a struggle but as soon as you relax things seem to work out?  Where in your life are you struggling or feeling stuck?  Look around you and notice your surroundings.  Do your work, relationships, finances or physical environments support you in creating the life you want or are you struggling against your environments? For example, have you always wanted to own your own business but the people you spend your time with are only interested in being an employee?  It will be much harder for you to make the break and go out on your own when everyone around you is content to stay in their work situations.

My yard is a wild Manitoba woodland and the flowers I pictured in my mind will never grow there, no matter what I do.  I know that the environment will always win and as soon as you realize this in your life, the easier things will be for you.  You can either work with the environments you’ve got (work, relationships, etc.) or you can change your environments.  Either way, you will stop feeling exhausted, frustrated and drained because you have been trying too hard.  Then one day you’ll be surprised and delighted to find your own version of a snap dragon popping up in the most unexpected place!
