October 26, 2011

Expanding Your Energy

Filed under: Personal Development,Reconnection — Deb @ 8:23 am

I just realized one of my dreams!  A few weeks ago I finally made it to the Grand Canyon.  For most of my life I have wanted to visit this natural wonder and as I walked out the trees and stood on the rim of the canyon for the first time, I cried.  There were no words that could adequately describe the majesty of that view so rather than try to express myself with words, I shifted into the feeling of the moment.  Oh, what a feeling!  My body relaxed, my breathing slowed down, the weariness and tension of life began to fade away making room for joy and lightness to flow in.  I arrived at the Grand Canyon feeling drained and tired and even though we walked for several miles that day, I left feeling rejuvenated and replenished.  I felt expansive!

What expands your energy?  What rejuvenates you and fills you up so that even when you are physically tired, you feel like you could go on forever?  Do you pay attention to what gives you energy and to what drains your energy?  The best way that I know of to answer these questions is to become present with your body.  Most of us (me included) spend our time in our heads – thinking, analyzing, problem solving, etc., and while all of these activities have value, they don’t give you the complete picture.  By feeling your body’s response to requests, people, situations, etc., you will get a more complete picture of what expands you and what drains you.

What drains your energy?  Toxic people, health issues, clutter, the inability to say “no”, inefficient work space, obligations, the weather, complainers or bad habits are just a few examples of what can drain you.  How can you tell what drains you?  Check in with your body.  Feeling tense, irritated, contracted, clenched, queasy or tired are a few of the feelings you might experience when something or someone drains your energy.

What might expand your energy?  Rest, beauty, good food, inspiring conversations, connecting with a good friend, gorgeous music or a relationship with the Divine are a few ideas to get you started.  How will you know if something or someone energizes you?  Check in with your body.  Smiles, a giggle, a deep, deep breath, a release of tension, lightness, or joy are a few of the indicators that more energy is coming your way.

Paying attention to and managing your energy is the most effective way to create balance, meaning and joy in your life.  Once you make it a priority to expand your energy every day you will feel like you can go on forever – just like the Grand Canyon!
