June 27, 2014

Turning Toward the Light

Filed under: Reconnection — Deb @ 12:45 pm

Not to dwell on the past but…it was a long, long winter for most of us
this year. I have been in the ‘season’ of winter for over a year now, ever
since the cancer diagnosis.  Like a sudden and unexpected blizzard that
shuts down cities and forces everyone inside for days, the diagnosis
forced me to come to a stop and go inside to look for guidance and
healing.  It has been a long process (and mine had been shorter than
others, I know) and it was feeling like this “winter” would never end.

Everything in my life has been up for re-examination.  Do I want to
continue as a member of these groups, do I want to keep writing a
newsletter, am I still inspired by being a coach, are these the people
I want to spend my time with, does this food nourish all parts of me, do
I really want to wear this boring underwear….how do I want to spend
my one wild and precious life?  Maybe this is why the recovery process
has been so long, because I had so many questions to explore.
Spending so much time in the darkness has made me deeply long for
the light and I hear this longing reflected in many of your statements
and frustrations about our long, cold winter this year.  All of us have
been longing for the light, it seems.

What I have learned is that the light is always there but I often spend
my time and energy focusing on the darkness.  This is why, no doubt,
that I have focused my coaching practice on helping women reconnect
to their joy – we teach what we most need to learn!  The joy, the light,
the positive are always available to us, we just need to turn towards it.
If you place a potted flower near a window but not directly in the sun,
eventually you will see the flower leaning towards the light.  Observe
a field of sun flowers over the course of a day and you will see how they
continuously turn their faces to the sun and follow it across the sky each

You, too, can turn towards the light.  Your inner light is always shining and
waiting for you to see it.  You can turn towards external light as well.
Think lighter thoughts, dress lighter, spend time with others who are light
filled and positive.  You can choose light actions – do you really have to
do the dishes or could you eat watermelon in your back yard and have a
seed spitting contest (and yes, you can do this by yourself too!).  When
was the last time you had a popsicle, went to a wading pool or played
hooky to go to an afternoon matinee?

Yes things can get dark, yes there is work to be done, yes we have to be
responsible adults wearing (somewhat) sensible underwear (or not!!) but
we always, always have the choice to turn towards the ‘light.’  We are now
moving into the season of summer in our physical world (here in the
northern hemisphere) and I hope you will join me in turning towards the light!

Health Update and an offer for you!

I have had some questions from some of you, wondering about the state
of my health these days and there has been some concern over not hearing
from me for a while.  To set your mind at ease, I am feeling really good.  My
test results have come back all clear and I am now finally feeling my energy
return to a level that is even better than before the cancer!  This new energy
has also inspired me to begin a few new projects in my business (which you
will be hearing about in the near future) and is allowing me to open up more
spaces for coaching.

If you are looking for something to help you create the lightest and most joyful
summer ever, you’ll want to sign up for a Summer Sizzler SessionSummer
Sizzler Sessions are short, 30 minute coaching sessions done over the phone.
They are focused, effective and guaranteed to get you into action on any goal,
project or desire you have been avoiding, resisting or procrastinating on!
These sessions are $75 and are less expensive than my regular coaching
sessions and you can purchase as many as you like. They must be used by
September 15, 2014 and they are available to anyone to purchase (except for
my current clients – I have something else for you!).  Once you purchase a
session, I will contact you by email to schedule a time for us to meet.

I am feeling great; I am back in the coaching “saddle” and I would love to help
you turn toward the light this summer.  You can click here to get your
summer sizzling now!


