August 14, 2015

Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You

Filed under: Reconnection — Deb @ 11:25 am

Last month I gave up my downtown office.  I sold the furniture, canceled the phone and internet and handed in the keys.  I still remember the day I agreed to take over the lease – I was excited and terrified (mostly terrified… was I grown up enough for an office?  Could I afford it?  What if I didn’t have enough business??  Was I ready to take this bigger step into the business world?).

My coach told me it was a good move.“It will give you credibility,” she said. “It will make you look more professional.”

As a new coach I wanted to do whatever it took to look professional. Everywhere I turned in the business world people were preaching about
all the things you were “supposed” to do to get
clients, make money, be successful and so I listened to them and tried to follow their advice. Having the office did give me more confidence and I loved having a space that was welcoming, cozy and private for my clients.  My business was moving forward nicely. 

But nothing lasts forever!  I’d like to blame the cancer for the changes that started happening in my business but that wouldn’t be fair.  Business was starting to slow down before I was diagnosed and as much as I struggled to make it work, the writing was on the wall.  I needed to make some changes or the changes would be made for me!  The cancer gave me the opportunity to look more closely at how I was working and I began to see how following the experts’ advice on how to run my business was leaving out one very important expert – me. A big lesson that cancer has taught me is that I have to listen to, and trust myself first and foremost; even when the stakes are high and my inner wisdom tells me to go against the external “experts.” 

Who are you listening to these days?  Do you trust yourself, your intuition, your inner wise self? Or do you feel constantly pushed and batted around like a ball in an old pin ball machine, trying to do what (mostly well-meaning) external “experts” are saying is the “right” thing to do?

My office was one of the last pieces of my business that I had to let go of. In order to truly serve you and make room for what is unfolding now I have had to let go of what no longer serves me.  I was sad to say good-bye to the office but I am looking forward to creating my business in my own way.

What about you?  Are you ready to let go of what is no longer serving you?



Letting go is the theme for my fall retreat! Please join me for …

The Way of the Happy Woman Autumn Self-Care Mini-Retreat!

Sisters: self-care isn’t selfish. When we women slow down and attune to our bodies (and the cycles of nature), we become more vital, creative,
and powerful.

If you’re longing to give more, do more, be more, please join me for a very special 3-hour self-care mini-retreat for women!

Together, we’ll create a sacred container for quiet contemplation and creative group practices. Nourish yourself with women’s yoga, insight
meditation, seasonal self-care secrets, intuitive journaling, and more. It’s all based on The Way of the Happy Woman
( ): Sara Avant Stover’s acclaimed book, practice collection, and global community.

It’s happening right here in Winnipeg, on October 3, 2015

And when you register by September 11, 2015, there’s a sweet discount.

Click here for details & registration. I hope to see you there!
