April 22, 2018

Being Uncomfortable

Filed under: Reconnection — Deb @ 7:34 pm

Hello Brilliant Reader:

“Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.”  – Susan David


In January I did something that I don’t normally do.  Something that made me uncomfortable.

I applied to attend a writing retreat in New Mexico. 

I’ve gone away on retreats before but always with a teacher that I know well and have worked with for years.  However, I don’t really know this teacher and when I applied, I wasn’t working on any type of writing project but something drew me to the website.  The more I read about the retreat, the more I felt a deep pull to attend.  I decided to trust my intuition and the next thing I knew, I had sent off my application. 

I was accepted.

I leave in two weeks…

…and I had my first ‘whatwasIthinkingpanicattackmeltdown’ a couple of weeks ago.

Have you ever had what you thought was a great idea but then… later… after you bought the item, sent the letter, said the words, etc.  you had the terrible, sinking feeling that you had made a massive mistake? 

This reaction is par for the course and I know I’m not the only one who goes through this when they decide to step out of their comfort zone.  I also know that I will have another meltdown once I arrive at the retreat center and will probably be crying into the phone to my sweetie – afraid that I’m going to look stupid or that nobody will like me or that there won’t be any food that I can eat and I’ll starve all week….

(My inner drama queen lovvvves to come out in full force in these situations!) 

Then the retreat will start, I will show up for the opening circle and I’ll start to breathe deeply into my belly, the place where my Divine wise self lives.  She’ll whisper to me “It’s okay….I know you’re scared….and we’ve got this.”  I will let go then and immerse myself in the teachings, the stillness, the creativity and the beauty of the participants and surroundings.  Hopefully I will return feeling refreshed, expanded and more confident than before. 

So as women are now making preparations to attend my Way of the Happy Woman Retreat this Sunday, I know some of them are having reservations, feeling nervous, wondering if they will fit in, not sure if they made the right decision.  I am also sure that there are some of you who want to sign up but the whole idea makes you feel too uncomfortable and I feel you.  It takes courage to say yes to yourself and when you are ready, we’ll be here to welcome you into the circle.  Just don’t let discomfort be the only reason that stops you from stepping into your meaningful life!


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