October 19, 2020

It’s Okay to Be Tired

Filed under: Reconnection — Deb @ 9:44 am

Dearest Resilient Reader:

Let your breath out.

Relax your jaw.

Invite your shoulders to drop and feel the contact of your clothes on your skin.

Soften the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.

What do you notice in your body as you bring your attention to it?

Maybe you’re noticing how much tension you are holding, maybe you can’t relax your jaw, maybe emotions rise to the surface as soon as you let down your guard or maybe you are sailing through these months with ease and grace….

What I’m noticing is that many of you are bone deep weary (myself included).  And while many of us have been rallying to keep going, staying positive, doing our best to keep up, the truth is, life is extra hard right now.  Life can be challenging in the best of times but add a pandemic to the mix and we are being asked to cope at an intensity that feels beyond our capacity. 

Please know that it’s okay to be tired.

It’s okay to feel like you don’t want to try anymore.

It’s okay to feel worried, uncertain and afraid.

It’s okay to want everything you are experiencing to be over.

Humans were not designed to cope with long term, worldwide stress like we have been experiencing these past several months.  Let’s face it, in the Western world, we have not exactly been stellar at coping with short term stress which means that we don’t have the skills to transfer into coping with a pandemic.  Our bodies were designed to experience a threat, deal with it immediately, and then to recover. 

It’s the recovery part that most of us are missing.

You see, stress isn’t actually the problem, it’s the lack of recovery from stress that causes the harm.  Raise your hand if you have ever been through something stressful and then got up and carried on the next day like nothing happened.  Then as time passes, you can’t understand why you feel tired, easily overwhelmed, foggy, unable to focus and can’t make decisions or solve simple problems. 

When you don’t stop to acknowledge what you have been through and you don’t give your body, heart and spirit time to restore, you can’t be patient, creative or focused.  Over time, lack of recovery is dangerous – it leads to illness, disease and even early death.

Take more breaks, go to bed earlier, pick one project to complete and leave the rest for when you are fully resourced, move your body more often, give yourself time to do nothing, simplify everything and rest, rest, rest!  I know it seems counter intuitive but resting is your path through any challenge and it is the best way to reconnect with your vibrancy, creativity and joy!


Individual and Group Coaching

From the outside, your life looks pretty good….but when you are completely honest you feel like there is something more that you want.  It’s okay to want more and if you know what that “more” is, great!  But if you don’t know, or if you don’t know how to take action to get the “more” I can help. 

Give me a call or respond to this email to set up a complimentary Joy Reconnection Experience – a one hour experience to move you out of tiredness, stress and overwhelm and onto the path of achieving the “more” that you are dreaming about!

The Way of the Happy Woman Autumn/Winter Retreat

  Calling all overworked, overwhelmed, stressed out women!!  Self-care isn’t selfish; in fact, it’s a road back to yourself.  When we women slow down and attune to our bodies (and the cycles of nature), we become more vital, creative, and powerful.   “Taking the day to slow down and listen to my inner wisdom while being guided by Deb was one of the greatest gifts I could give myself. The space she created was beautiful and safe. I felt so nourished throughout the entire day and was able to carry that feeling with me. “ – Shannon Together, we’ll create a sacred container for quiet contemplation and creative group practices. Nourish yourself with women’s yoga, insight meditation, seasonal self-care secrets, intuitive journalling, and more. Please join me by clicking the link below!

Saturday November 28, 2020
Light of the Prairies
Early Registration deadline: November 13, 2020
