It’s Time to Wrap Things Up
Peaceful Reader:
Every fall we take out a huge, white tarp and we wrap it around our gazebo. We pile all our outdoor furniture inside and wrap it up to protect the screens and the furniture from the winter elements.
It’s a signal to us that summer is over and its time to shift our energy from expanding and creating something new to the energy of turning inward and wrapping things up.
When you look to nature as your guide, you’ll see that she is no longer growing or blooming now. She is shedding anything that she doesn’t need, she is letting parts of her die off and she is preparing to rest under a deep blanket of snow.
She is slowly and quietly telling us that we need to let go of the things, people, beliefs, habits, etc. that we no longer need and to bring to completion what we have been doing over the spring and summer months.
Wrapping things up or completing projects is important now, because you need to be lighter as you move into winter. Going into the winter season with too many half-completed projects or with plans to start new projects will drain you on every level. You need to be clear and open, your life simplified and without distractions when you shift into winter.
Because in the winter you rest – deeply. It’s while you are resting that you can receive the vision for your life for the coming year. If you are distracted by doing, doing, doing you’ll miss the guidance you need to fulfill your purpose here. I think that we could use a few more people who are on purpose right now, don’t you?
Choose one or two things that you can bring to completion now and let the rest go or set them aside until spring. Start to wrap things up and prepare to crawl under you own cozy blanket, ready to dream!