May 4, 2009

Balance (Day 88 – 429 hugs)

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 2:37 pm
The Dinner Party! (Day 93 - 479 hugs)
Hugs from Strangers (Day 87 - 425 hugs)

I went to my yoga class this morning and we were doing the tree pose.  This is the pose where you have to stand on one leg with the other foot perched on the inside of your standing leg esentially making your legs form the number 4.  Then you lift your arms above your head and spread them out like branches of your tree.  This is the point where I (sometimes wildly) start to waver.  My yoga teacher put it so nicely today…he said just allow your body to waver and just like a tree moves in the wind, your body will move and waver, always adjusting and rebalancing. 

That is the way that balance works – it’s always adjusting and shifting and we always have to respond by adjusting and shifting to find balance.  It’s kind of what my hug count is doing lately – shifting and wavering…I’ve had a few days without my usual number of hugs.  I guess it’s time to rebalance and see about collecting a few more afterall, we are coming down the home stretch now – 12 days left! 



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