November 6, 2009

Unsupportive Environment?

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 5:33 pm
Starting with You!

There has been so much media and talk of the H1N1 pandemic these days.  Everywhere you go, everything you read and everything you listen to on television and radio is focused on the flu shot.  To me, it’s creating a very powerful environment of fear.  That fear has really had me thinking…is it the fear of getting the flu and the possible consequences that can come with the flu or is it the fear of not really living your life that has everyone so panicked? If we had our lives in order – lots of reserves, supportive environments, living authentically, etc. – would we need to be so fearful of this flu?  What do you think?



3 responses to “Unsupportive Environment?”

  1. C. says:

    I don’t think fear is rational – I know that when I experience fear, it’s got little or nothing to do with what is truly safe or not. So in this case, it’s likely impossible to boil the fear down to something as logical as the realistic consequences. That said, I definitely believe that we’re all feeling more fearful because we keep being told we should be. Thanks, media!

  2. Chris says:

    I totally agree. Listening to all the turmoil, debate, and manufactured news on the H1N1 vacine last week, I finally said “Enough, I’m not going to participate”, and changed the channel. I realize there are legitimate fears over the health and well being of yourself and your loved ones, but there is a greater chance you will be killed by the “regular” flu or in a car accident than by this flu. Deb you are right on the mark. If you are living your truest life and are true to yourself in this moment, it won’t matter if you get H1N1.

  3. Ingrid says:

    I totally agree – all this H1N1 talk – the centres not open until Thursday, etc is definately creating an
    environment of fear

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