November 12, 2009

Starting with You!

Filed under: Environments — Deb @ 5:15 pm
Enhance Your Inner World
Unsupportive Environment?

I am focused on the relationship environment this month and of all the environments I work with as a coach, this one can have the most emotional charge.  It can also have the most rewarding outcomes.  The first step to designing a supportive relationship environment is to start with you. You need to develop self appreciation and self respect in order to attract others who are appreciative and respectful. Do you regularly acknowledge all of your amazingness? Are you cringing because I just called you amazing or are you grinning a little secret grin because I have obviously noticed what you thought you had been hiding?!  If you’re not grinning, it’s time to start!  Take an inventory.  What are you good at?  What are you amazing at?  What makes you the only you on the planet?  Once you start finding things to love and appreciate about yourself review your list everyday and affirm yourself with “I am amazing and I always spend my time with amazing people!”  Practice this for 30 days and watch how your relationships will start to shift!  And, keep me posted on what happens for you!




One response to “Starting with You!”

  1. C. says:

    These principles seem so straightforward, but surprisingly hard to implement! I appreciate the practical suggestion. (This also ties in with something I read on The Happiness Project blog today: “happy people make people happy.”)

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