A Challenge is Issued!
On February 1st, I had the pleasure of being a guest on Stephanie Staples’ radio show – Your Life Unlimited (www.yourlifeunlimited.ca). I shared the guest spot with fellow coach Laurel Kidder (www.laurelkidder.ca) and together, all three of us discussed ways to set and reach goals that will help you live a more meaningful and joyful life. The three of us have formed a mastermind group which has helped us to stay focused on our own goals and navigate the world of self-employment. On the show, we talked about how mastermind groups can be used by anyone, how to be more effective and efficient with your time and how challenges can add to your life.
Because I am a coach, through and through, I couldn’t resist seizing the moment when Stephanie mentioned that she would never be able to limit checking her emails to four times a day. I suggested that she limit it to twice a day and make it into a 100 Day Challenge! So, after some resistance and with great reluctance, she agreed to take on the challenge.
This is why I love the 100 Day Challenge so much. It has the power to make you uncomfortable, test you, stretch you and ultimately give you a confidence and freedom that you may never have experienced before. When you challenge yourself to do something that you don’t think you can do, your self esteem immediately goes up. Working your way through the challenge, one day at a time teaches you about perseverance, flexibility and commitment.
You can listen to our radio show by visiting Stephanie’s blog at: http://yourlifeunlimited.ca/mastermindthis/#
I hope you’ll consider joining us for the 100 Day Challenge! It’s worth it!