February 28, 2008

Day 22

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 3:56 pm
Day 23
Day 21

Okay, it’s confession time!  Yes, I have been doing my daily challenge but I haven’t been liking it very much.  There… I said it…this yoga thing is really bugging me!  Talk about a challenge! I thought it would get easier if I did it every day and that I would gradually get used to it but it seems like it’s getting harder to do!  Does anyone else feel like that? 

This is one of those times when having a coach can be really helpful.  Whenever you are trying something new and you start meeting up with resistance (“I don’t want to do it anymore, it’s too hard, I don’t feel like it, I’ll do it tomorrow…”) it usually means there is something important to take a look at in your life.  Happily, I have an appointment with my coach tomorrow and so I plan to bring it up to see what is in my way of enjoying this challenge.  For those of you who know me and/or have worked with me, you know that I’m all about joy and enjoying everything that you are doing so it has surprised me that I am not enjoying this daily yoga.  I love to do yoga otherwise so there is definitely something up with this….hhmmm – wonder what it is?!  Let me know if you have been struggling or if you have given up – as I told another challenger “just because you’ve missed a few days (or a week) doesn’t mean you can’t start back in today.”  I think it would be helpful for me to know if anyone else is struggling or maybe you’re all completely in the groove – and that would be great to hear too!  Challenge on!!


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