Let go of the Brussel Sprouts
We invited friends over for dinner recently. I had been planning the menu in my mind a few days before and since it was a casual dinner with good friends, I wasn’t going to get too fancy with the food.
I did,however, have it stuck in my mind that I wanted to serve Brussel sprouts, but I would have to make a trip to the grocery store because I didn’t have any on hand. It was a day full of tasks and I didn’t feel like adding a trip to the store to the list.
But…I wanted to serve Brussel sprouts.
The more I thought about it, the more obsessed I became until most of my mind space was consumed with wanting to serve Brussel sprouts and NOT wanting to go to the store.
Finally,I woke up and realized that I needed to let something go – the Brussel sprouts or the resistance to the trip to the store.
I let goof the Brussel sprouts and the meal was fine without them. No one complained or wished that I had served Brussel sprouts!
Why am I telling you this story, you are probably wondering? Clearly Brussel sprouts are not important in the bigger picture of our lives, but this story is an example of how the little things can add up to something big.
Each little decision you have to make takes time, energy and mind space. These decisions drain a little bit of your energy every time you think about it until the decision is made.
These small energy drains tend to add up until small decisions become harder and harder, creating a cycle that leaves you too tired to do much else in your day.
Over time a habit of obsessing over little details and small decisions can create chronic body tension, exhaustion, mind fog, irritability, anxiety and eventually disease.
What do you need to let go of this season? What small things can you release to free up your energy for more grace and joy? What can you do to move into the season of winter feeling lighter?
Maybe you can start by letting go of the Brussel sprouts!