Stop Trying to Fix Yourself!
Welcome to 2019!!
A shiny new year stretches out in front of us, bringing with it the yearly practice of resolving to do/be better than last year. The television, flyers, billboards, Facebook and blog ads inundate us with messages of “finally losing the weight” or “at last, getting the love relationship”, etc, etc but this is the sign that really caught my attention:
‘May your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!’
This mobile sign’s message made me laugh because for most people, resolutions don’t last. In fact, research shows that most people can’t keep their resolutions past January 12th!
It’s my opinion (and feel free to disagree) that resolutions don’t last because they subtly imply that we are broken in some way. Resolutions are created based on what we didn’t do last year or what we haven’t been able to change, and they make us feel like we aren’t good enough. When we fee like we are broken, it’s like having holes in your garden hose. You might be able to get some water to the garden but eventually the garden will wither and die because its not getting the full nourishment it needs to grow.
Let me tell you right now…. You are not broken!
You are whole…you are complete.
You can stop trying to fix yourself because there is nothing to fix!
Now, ask yourself a few questions….
- What would you choose to do in 2019 based on the knowledge that you are whole?
- What joy will you create for yourself and others in this beautiful new year this is opening before you?
- If you were to choose a theme, a word or phrase, an inspiring quote to guide you this year, what would you choose?
Whatever you do, will you do me a favor? Choose joy over fixing yourself and may this be the most successful year you have ever experienced!