March 24, 2008

Day 47

Filed under: 100 Day Challenge — Deb @ 4:15 pm
Day 48
Day 46

Monday’s can be a tougher day for me to fit in the yoga practice.  I have to get up at 6:00 am to do it before I start the rest of my day and it is often a day where I do yoga two or even three times!  I have been doing a set routine of poses every morning for the challenge and then every Monday I also lead my Laughter Yoga club.  We don’t do yoga poses but we laugh for 30 minutes which is a work out in a different way.  Then I will sometimes stay and do the yoga class that is offered at the studio where I lead my laughter club.  That didn’t happen today, though!  I laughed and then went for breakfast!  Flossing didn’t happen until much later in the day (evening to be exact) but it’s done for today too!



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